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Looking to invest in Florida Real Estate? Here’s The Secret!

There’s no question that real estate in Tampa, Florida continues to be an exceptional investment….see this article in Tampa Bay Times that explains why Tampa real estate should continue to present excellent investment opportunities.

But if you’re looking to invest in Tampa real estate, you need to know where you can look to in order to find excellent deals.

The honest to goodness, best place to find real estate investment opportunities is through the foreclosure auction site run by the Pinellas County Clerk of Court, known as

Pinellas Real Foreclose

When you click on the link above, you’ll be taken to the website where you can begin to participate in auctions by depositing just a few thousand dollars. There are literally thousands of properties that are coming up for auction, and many that are selling for just a few thousand dollars.

The youtube video below walks you through exactly how the process works. With just a little time to get to know the sites, you can very quickly be making excellent investment decisions:

Looking to invest in Florida Real Estate? Here’s The Secret! first appeared on